def calculate_roof_cost():
# Input roof dimensions and features
length = float(input("Enter roof length (feet): "))
width = float(input("Enter roof width (feet): "))
pitch = float(input("Enter roof pitch (inches per foot): "))
valleys = int(input("Number of valleys: "))
ridges = int(input("Number of ridges: "))
skylights = int(input("Number of skylights: "))
chimneys = int(input("Number of chimneys: "))
# Calculate roof squares
squares = (length * width) / 100
# Calculate roof pitch adjustment
pitch_factor = 1 + (pitch / 12 * 0.25)
# Calculate area adjustments for features
valleys_area = valleys * 50 # Example adjustment for valleys
ridges_area = ridges * 30 # Example adjustment for ridges
skylights_area = skylights * 20 # Example adjustment for skylights
chimneys_area = chimneys * 10 # Example adjustment for chimneys
# Calculate total area
total_area = squares * pitch_factor + valleys_area + ridges_area + skylights_area + chimneys_area
# Calculate cost based on area and other factors
material_cost = total_area * 10 # Example material cost per square foot
labor_cost = total_area * 5 # Example labor cost per square foot
total_cost = material_cost + labor_cost
# Display results
print(f"Roof squares: {squares:.2f}")
print(f"Total area: {total_area:.2f} square feet")
print(f"Total material cost: ${material_cost:.2f}")
print(f"Total labor cost: ${labor_cost:.2f}")
print(f"Total cost: ${total_cost:.2f}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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